Man: Well, maybe for the time being, yes. But I'll talk also about Eveline. Have you heard of bonobos?
Friday, December 26, 2008
introducing bonobos
Man: Well, maybe for the time being, yes. But I'll talk also about Eveline. Have you heard of bonobos?
Sunday, December 21, 2008
mind v body
Mentor: So you were reconciling yourself to staying put, and making the most of your relationship. Which brings us back to sex.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Mentor: So you decided to stay put?
Friday, December 12, 2008
all quite normal
Man: Yes, it seems so. Even when you're getting old and fat and smelly and ugly yourself. The fact is, it wasn't long at all before I was mostly thinking of someone else while having sex with Zelda.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
blame evolution
Man: No, really, I moved in with her, purely as a lodger, and I knew it would happen, and from the start I was wondering how I could extricate myself... And yet, and yet, we got on brilliantly, and I was of course flattered by her interest, and impressed with her hard-won wisdom, and she was a thorough sensualist, and she loved my cooking, we shared many epicurean delights. She didn't have quite my intellectual bent, and she was continually apologetic about this, while I felt apologetic about my years of impotent dilettantish self-indulgence, though I wasn't so vocal about that.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
problem fathers
Man: How could she be a Christian when her sister was? I was intrigued to observe the divergent paths these siblings took to carve out their niches. Esther the religio-spiritualist, Eveline the political activist, Christopher the scientist. Not entirely defining characteristics of course... Anyway, they were a treasure trove for a compulsive diarist like me. All three were magnificently intelligent and complicated and vulnerable and puzzling. I mean, they all struggled not to fit in and to stay on top, to deal with family and to overcome its limitations in their case.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
some children and their children
Mentor: I think I know the allusion.
introducing zelda and eveline
Mentor: So, you're in a period of readjustment.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
reality bites
Man: Yes, I suppose I wanted someone like myself, only smarter, though not too much smarter, and more beautiful - they could be infinitely more beautiful, I didn't mind that at all - and more outgoing, someone who could drag me outside of myself and bring me to the party. Someone who could draw out my best features, because of course inside my shy self was a brilliant wit and raconteur, a genius of language, an incisive, streetwise analyst, all that stuff. Someone who wasn't possessive either - I imagined us, this couple, to be great friends at the heart of a whole host of great friends, and we wouldn't be monogamous but we would be loyal to each other...
Saturday, October 4, 2008
fantasy pros and cons
Mentor: What about the present?
Man: The present? Well, obviously my present-day sex life is non-existent. Now, of course, I have the excuse of being middle-aged or beyond, and being borderline obese. In earlier times I blamed shyness and poverty. Of course, keeping sex in the head, and being fascinated with one's mind, can take its toll on the body. Neglect, disinterest. Your expectation of having something real happening, something that gives you more satisfaction than your fantasies, is so low that you can easily just let yourself go. Take that outré tub of lard, the Divine Marquis.
Mentor: Yet Sade engaged in plenty of real, violent sex, in spite of his obesity, did he not?
Mentor: So you're content to continue with sex in the head?
Man: Certainly not. I'm very unhappy about it, but I see no obvious solution.
Mentor: There are obvious solutions though, aren't there?
Man: You mean, going out and meeting women? Singles bars and that sort of thing? Are there really such things as singles bars by the way? If there are I'd be tempted to go to them, or I would've been before I got old and fat.
Mentor: You’re not so old and fat, and there are many other ways to meet women. Special interest groups…
Man: Weight-watchers? Actually, I wonder if they have any sex addict meet-ups around town? No, I’m serious.
Mentor: Do you consider yourself a sex addict?
Man: Is it possible to be a celibate sex addict?
Mentor: Addicted to masturbation, yes, of course.
Of course, I never have to, so I don't. Do without, I mean.
Mentor: May I ask what you think about when you masturbate?
Man: Better to ask who I think about.
Mentor: Are you fixated on a particular person?
Man: At the moment, yes. It's not always that way, but it often is.
Mentor: Well I won't ask you about her.
Man: Why not?
Mentor: It's more or less a given that a man becomes obsessed with a woman because he can't have her. So feeding the obsession isn't helpful. Let's talk about the kind of woman that attracts you in general.
Man: Very clever. But I will talk about her, I'll get there somehow. As to generalities, yes, let me take you back again, to my teen years, when I first thought about and fantasised about this....
Friday, October 3, 2008
skin and mind
Mentor: Just say whatever comes to mind - about love or sex or desire.